Tuesday 28 February 2017

Ranking the Queens of Rupaul's Drag Race - 100 - 91

Welcome back hennies! I thought by now, we'd have a super-trailer to dissect and premiere party looks to gag over.

But we don't - we still have the same promo pictures, promo video and Nina Bo'nina's periodic LIVE feeds on instagram to talk about! (anyone else loving how much she is trolling the online community?) - And, let's face it - we've talked about it all. to death. and then some.

So while we're waiting for Season 9/Trump's impeachment (I'm not sure which will come first) and worried about the world, allow me to take you on a pointless ranking the house down boots of the first 100 queens on RPDR.

Disclaimer - this post is 100% my opinion. There's no fact, rhyme or reason - just nostalgia, absolut berry (a-cy-eeee) and a whole lot of time to kill between now and S09EP01! I've based my rankings on the show, performance on the show and how much I like them. Post-show career factors into it as well but as it is my blog, the final decisions are mine to make. There's a lot of personal bias there as well, I won't apologise for that because if it aint mine, I ain't interested okurrrr?

No - but really, everyone has their own opinion and I am laboring under the delusion that some people may want to read, discuss, dissect, disagree, argue and throw their drink at mine - correct me if I'm wrong - who am I kidding? I know you will!

I'll do this in batches of ten - it was inspired by a ranking done a few years ago - 'Ranking the House Down' just before season 6 premiered - but I can't find it anymore, it seems to have disappeared, if anyone has a link - please link me! I figure I'll be down the business end by the time we have any more info on season 9 - here we go!

Ranking the House Down - Boots & All! 100 - 91
100: Alisa Summers
The Queen for No Season
What do you remember about Alisa Summers? Quickly?
(Just for fun - imagine asking Ru if he remembers Alisa Summers :D)

Season 4 was the clearest season of contenders and pretenders - half of the cast fall into the bottom rungs of this countdown and the other half end up right near the top. Alisa Summers had the misfortune of getting to tell her life story of drunk-driving in drag, being completely forgettable, giving a god-awful lipsync with the misfortune of competing against Hurricane Baked Potato herself and subsequently going home first, . Her strengths were her fishiness and her er, breastplate. Unfortunately, these were outweighed by her god awful post apocalyptic outfit, wishy washy personality and lack of spark on a show that puts spark above most other traits. Post the show, she has completely disappeared off the radar, has 1612 followers on instagram (and has deleted all her posts) and her profile picture is her holding the cheque from Season 4 - and that says more about her than I ever could.

Iconic Moment: Erm, it's hard to say. Her breastplate? Her DUI? The choices are overwhelming me! I'd have to go with the fact that she took a fly swatter down the runway with her - WTF?

My Favourite Moment: 'This is called drag race, not drag walk' DRAG HUH Milan. When you're being read by Milan (okay, okay, Vogue is totally excused) on how to lipsync, well, you're doing it wrong.

Quote: I'm tossing up between:
The shade here is... non-existent.

So are we Alisa, so are we - NEXT!
99: Magnolia Crawford 
(AKA anything hilarious beginning with M&C)
The Swordfish

Oh Magnolia - confession, Magnolia's entrance into the workroom is totally me arriving to drinks on a Friday night.

When Season 6's teaser was first released, I was beyond excited! A queen we hadn't foreseen - a comedy queen at that! Her teaser in the milk is still one of my favourite moments and I couldn't wait to see what she was going to bring to the season. Her premiere looks! The Hijab! The pantsuits, the Golden Girls Kitschy nonsense - I loved her trashy aesthetic. Then that walked in and I knew we weren't going to have a long and lasting relationship. (I wouldn't mind any sort of relationship with BoyMagnolia though - just saying). She was like my wayward daughter that I wanted to slap! Cheap, messy, negative and basically me after a few too many pinot gris She describes herself as a trash queen, (the premiere trash queen of Seattle) gets given a box of trash and has a hissyfit about it! Nothing she did in that episode made sense and by the time Darienne Lake was sweeping what was left of her after that lipsync and she was admitting that she 'just did this for the exposure' and by the time of the reunion where between being booed and avoiding Ru's death rays for admitting she never watched the show and finishing her iconic television career with 'at least I can be called magNOSElia' - I was done.
Me too girl, me too.
Magnolia ranks at 99 because she is the only queen to retire officially from drag - (I think Alisa still performs sometimes), which I also don't understand because she did the show for the EXPOSURE! (see what I mean?) and perhaps she's more memorable than the other queens in the bottom ten, but she squandered any potential that she had and also any goodwill. I wish that handsome, handsome Reynolds all the best and I loved her series of hilarious instagram faces a year or so ago, but other than that, I wash my hands of Magnesium Crawdaunt and still silently wish she had done better or gone further or even still did drag!

Iconic Moment: - Magnolia will always be remembered for her nose and 'I'm just here for the exposure' but her standout moment will be the S6 premiere party look. Controversial, funny, clever and intriguing - everything she wasn't on the show. 
Imagine if someone turned up like this to the S9 premiere. (actually don't, Trump would probably cancel the show)
My Favourite Moment: playing the flute in her 'Turn the Beat around' lipsync - girl, you're going to have do better than interpret the lyrics THAT literally to beat miss Darienne - but I appreciate and notice the effort.

Quote: 'I've got a goddamned bow on my ass!
Or: 'I'm the world's most glamorous trash queen!'
Next close-up
'It's hideous fabric - denim and this brown thing looks like shit'...

98: Penny Tration
The Runner Up for Fan Favourite

NO, I could NOT believe it.

Penny, Penny, Penny. What is there to say about Penny? She entered the competition through the fan favourite contest because Miss Delano wasn't ready and she left by not knowing the words to 'Party in the USA', enabling - to everyone's surprise, Miss ChaCha to survive another week. If that isn't a disappointing summary of your time in a reality contest, I don't know what is. Penny is an old camp queen, the first in a long line of older camp/club queens (Kelly, Tempest, Vivacious) to get very little airtime and be aufed for being too 'set in their ways' and 'not giving enough glamour', which as a fan of those 'workhorse queens', makes me sad. But unlike the others, Penny gave off a curdled milk vibe from the minute she entered the workroom. She never gave off any enthusiasm about the competition and if you want to see pure shade from Rupaul, just watch the two of them on her one workroom walkthrough encounter. Her post-show career has been marked by a traumatic appearance at the S7 reunion where she dressed as Angelica Huston in the Witch without her mask but she still appears at her home club regularly and hosts Rugirls there all the time - she's got coin to make everyone! She does appear to have a healthy sense of humour, I'll give the girl that - case in point:

I think the disappointment here is that you expect so much more from a 'fan favourite' - can someone enlighten me on how/why she was one? I just don't get it, I don't get her not knowing the words to Party in the USA (and I've heard her excuses about that too), and I don't get her being sent home by Serena ChaCha - girl, I would have quit drag if that had been me. That, along with her disappointing runway outfit, tired-ass makeup and lack of ability to show her fans what the hell they voted for, is why she ranks 98th in this countdown (and below Serena ChaCha, as she deserves).
Penny's time on the show - adds up to this.
Iconic Moment: That lipsync - she was turning for the gods - if the song had been Turn the Beat Around, she would have won in a heartbeat. But really, getting sent home by Serena in granny nappies has to be her most memorable moment.
My Favourite Moment:
Almost justifying her presence on the show, almost.
Quote: 'Deeper, Penny Tration, DEEPER!' - Thanks Rupaul. OR
'I'm here because I was chosen by thousands of people in the online voting contest. I hope that me being voted on the show by a lot of people makes the other queens really intimidated.' - Sure, Jan.
97: Phoenix
The Doppelganger

Like a Phoenix, rising from the ashes, she came. Except she didn't really rise from the ashes. Dear Phoenix had the misfortune of floundering around in the ashes for two episodes before being sent home after a truly dreadful performance in Queens in Space. She was a talented queen from Atlanta who unfortunately was shy, quiet and had all the wrong personality traits for reality stardom. Not that that's a bad thing but there are queens who are made for this show and then there are queens that while talented, are absolutely not made for this show. Phoenix is one of those queens. I wish I had more to say about Phoenix, but the truth is - there is really nothing else I could say about her. 
My face when I realise I've run out of things to say about her
Iconic Moment: Phoenix's one standout moment on the show - aside from her Oscar worthy performance in Queens in Space, was her entrance to the workroom in the same outfit as India Ferrah. That that incident defined her time on the show should tell you how memorable she is.
Category is: Vanilla realness
My Favourite Moment: Queens in Outer Space - really, that Phoenix's performance wasn't a greater highlight from this episode is only testament to Shangela and Mimi and THE iconic fight of drag race. Maybe I enjoy her deadpan delivery of 'Prepare to Trannyport' more than I should, maybe I'm giving her too much credit, but the flat tone of her voice and completely dead face just sends me into hysterics - especially when you compare her delivery to Manila and Raja who were mugging for the cheque shop down the street.
Things never got better for either of them
Quote: 'India is very like, painted. She's like old-school drag. But it's cool to see that style of drag still amongst us' - modern drag icon Phoenix displaying both a lack of self-awareness and an ability to throw shade.

96: Venus D'Lite
Our Madonna

These days Venus is more well known for her post-show meltdowns, rants  (particularly her rant against Bianca for her 'Really Queen episode') and those 3 other reality shows she's appeared in. She's low-key iconic on Reddit and that's about it. (Did you know that Phoenix has more followers on Instagram than her??? I could NOT believe it!) but in the day, Venus was more well-known for attempting to look like Madonna (much like how people accuse Born This Way of copying Express Yourself - I don't SEE it) and her very violent lipsync against Shangela. Venus promised a lot and delivered very little. I didn't expect much from Venus but part of me wishes that India and Phoenix had gone first from Season 3 so we could have taken this trainwreck for a little more of a ride - I would have been curious to see where we would have gone! Her 'Queen who Mopped Christmas' runway was most disappointing and really the only memorable thing she left us with, was her throwing her wig at the queens at the back during her lipsync (seriously, watch Delta when she does that - iconic' and sadly, she has continued to disappoint on almost every level. But in all seriousness, she's going through a tough time and I hope she recovers.
I can almost see Madonna here (see I can be nice!)
Iconic Moment: That lipsync - god, I DIE thinking of Queen Vanessa Williams sitting there watching her (and Shangela - no excuses for Miss Nancy Drew) shit all over that song - truly one of the worst lipsyncs in DR History. Yet, still, oddly watchable. My favourite moments follow:
Delta is my favourite thing here
My Favourite Moment: Aside from the lipsync? Her season 3 promo pic - delightfully awful. Also - her RPDR wiki page is one of the few to have a 'vandalism' warning against people posting bullying, trash talking and insults. (Awful, I know, but I'm still laughing like Roxxxy finding PhiPhi on a 3 way phone call).

Quote: I couldn't pick anything other than her Facebook post to Bianca - if you listen closely, you can hear her saying it - 'But in case you’ve been under a rock (or a bag) for the past few years, I have been featured on not one, not two but 3 US reality shows since RPDR – including last season’s “Botched” with Janice Dickenson about my Madonna surgeries (mine was the only one that WASN’T Botched, by the way)' (the fact that she had to point this out will always be one of my favourite things) 

(I may as well post the last of it because it's such a beautiful quote)
'I heard you have a little tour coming up too. How sweet. Something about Hate, I think? A subject you are no doubt well versed in. It must have been hard growing up with a Bozo face like yours (your description, not mine). I guess that’s why you don’t have $65,000 to spend on surgery (it was $75K) nor $100K to spend on costumes. How sad for you. I’d offer you my hand-me-downs but I’d doubt they’d fit. No, you keep working that Bozo/Joan angle and we’ll see by the end of the year who is more memorable. I’m off to another international interview for my global fans. 'No words needed.

The thing you will notice about ALL the queens so far on this list is their dismal lack of self-awareness. Self-awareness is key to successful drag, Bianca's made a career out of it, Sharon knows when to parody herself and Alaska is a parody of everything drag stands for. You have to laugh, you have to know your shit and you have to accept the fact that you are a man (sorry Monica) dressed as a woman based on an art form/comedy that has been mocking the stereotype of what being a woman means for years. The success of your drag, in my humble opinion, hinges on your self-awareness and ability to acknowledge that you are not a real biological woman, but rather, a man (most of the time) playing one.

95: Serena Cha Cha

The Educated Queen

Well, well, well - speaking of self-awareness, ironically, leads me to our educated queen, our artistic queen, our book-reading queen, head librarian and soft sculpture prefect, Miss Serena Cha Cha! Miss 'itty bitty' 'little boy' Serena is the queen of having absolutely no self-awareness and I kinda love her soft-sculptured ass for it.
Memorable Drag
First of all, Serena should NOT have lasted more than one episode - I do NOT know what the casting producers were thinking casting her in the first place, but while her two episode run may have been about as successful as a dinner party with Lucretia Borgia, I am still thankful that they did. Seriously, from the minute she entered the workroom, got into the pool admitting she didn't tuck 'I can see your seafood platter!' - I knew we were in for a treat.

If you just watched the show, you would think Serena was an annoying queen from Panama who wore hideous outfits, wasn't ready for the show, had studied art and read books and managed to survive one lipsync. However, superfans, who watched Untucked got their life from watching Detox and Coco as well as the rest of the cast (literally, 'everyone except for Serena') take her down a few pegs, teach her a few lessons and even Penny Tration managed to take her down at the reunion - almost justifying her presence on the show with 'Serena, I would read you but it appears life already has'.
This image speaks for itself
And that's why Serena ranks at 95 - above several other queens, because while I genuinely believe that she may have been the least experienced, 'worst queen' to appear on Drag Race (who wore the worst outfits in DR history - whatever you say Santino), she gave us everything we expected, created possibly the 3rd or 4th iconic moment in Untucked history, 'I've had IT, officially!' 'listen to me, little boy', and became an icon from Panama in her own big knickered right. Admittedly these days she's polished and entertaining (and has 13K insta followers) and there's a career in there somewhere for her, I just think she was too raw at the time of season 5. She will however,  (as she advertises FIRST on her instagram) always have her FINE ARTS DEGREE, books and soft sculpture to fall back on so we must never let ourselves feel too badly for ripping her to pieces. And she also has a wig business! I mean, I'm not sure what she uses as testimonial - but I'd take out an injunction against airing her episodes before she tries to sell anymore - or then again, she can always ask Vivi for advice.

'That sounds like a good idea'
Most Iconic Moment:

No Words
My Favourite Moment: That she walked down the runway wearing this, stuck around for another episode to give us this and Santino had the nerve to tell Alyssa she wore the WORST outfit in Drag Race History. HOW VERY DARE HE.

All of you - reading my writing.
94: Vivienne Pinay:

Well, well, well. Speaking of wig sellers - how did we end up here with Miss Vivi? Vivi is pretty, Vivi is fishy - Vivi is boring, Vivi is bland and Vivi reminds me of sour milk. Okay, I won't bang on about her failed wig business - but again, I merely point out the lack of self-awareness and leave it to speak for itself.

But really, Vivienne entered Season 5 proclaiming to be the 'fishiest' queen ever in an underwhelming 'Betty Boop' inspired dress and only went downhill from there. Her performance, look and outfits never lived up to the shit she talked about them and she had a sour attitude towards the competition. She slid by through the competition because of the queens above and because of Monica's up & down journey and her storyline (all T all Shade). She underwhelmed in the first three challenges and if it weren't for Coco and Monica being GOD awful in 'Draggle Rock', she would have been in the bottom two and based on her lip-syncing skills, she would have gone home then. Vivi is most remembered for being sent home in the first ever 'Double Sashay' with Honey Mahogany and while it was most certainly deserved, I would have chosen Honey to stay - only because of the one-note sour presence Vivi brought to the competition. In my humble opinion, she forgot to realise that drag was about having fun, laughing at yourself and letting your hair down. (damnit, I swore off the Rapunzel references didn't I?). I know Vivi is probably a little low in the countdown, but I think her performance, her over-confidence and her continued behaviour after the show justify 94 don't you?

Iconic Moment: Double Sashay - what a god awful lipsync - how do you stuff up Britney that bad? Dear god - at least do a comedic piece about farting or hit the floor and (I can't believe I'm saying this) rip your wig and clothes off - anything?
This was about as animated as it got
My Favourite Moment: Look, I'm sure Vivi is a lovely person - but if there is ONE queen I dislike from the show - it would be her. I can laugh at Serena, appreciate Magnolia, forget Alisa and see some of Penny's appeal - but I genuinely don't like anything that I have been shown about Vivi. (and I don't like saying that either, despite my shade attempts, I'm a nice person!) But that's just me going off what I've seen on small, heavily edited clips of a reality show and we'd all do well to remember that!

Quote: 'I will always be the fishiest queen today, tomorrow, next month, the past seasons and the next seasons to come.'
The prosecution has no further questions, your honour.
93: Jade Sotomayor 
The Original Meaty Tuck

Jade Sotomayor was a queen from the lost season and in my opinion, has become the lost queen from the lost season. She was a nice, fierce, beautiful queen who much like many of the queens in this part of the list, simply didn't POP on the reality extravaganza that is RPDR. She slid through the first few weeks of the competition, earning good reviews for her girl group challenge (she is a trained dancer honey) but by week 4, the cast was thinning out and Jade was sent home in a travesty of a lipsync against Rebecca and had a lot to say about that! In my head, there is an alternative version of season 1 where Rebecca is sent home here, Jade goes the following week, Shannel the week after that leaving Bebe, Ongina and Nina as our final 3 - which everyone would agree on being one of the strongest final 3s ever. The fact that Jade would go home the follow week signals how memorable she is, and while worthy of note for being the first queen to be 'robbed', her legacy is one of being a hot guy out of drag with the original meaty tuck. Seriously - look at huh! These days, she appears to be happy performing in clubs, wearing fetish wear and sometimes, that's all you can really ask for.

It's called a Scorpion (or that's a metaphor)
Iconic Moment: That lipsync - how did she get sent home? I leave you video evidence to do the talking. But seriously - this is the moment that Ru ruined what could have been.

My Favourite Moment: To be honest, her lipsync - the motorcycle splits, her undisguised fury at A) being in the bottom 2 (Shannel deserved to be there sorry, I meant win the challenge, thanks autocorrect) and B) being sent home by Rebecca of all people! For the first time, I got my life from Jade and wish she'd entered the competition with that sort of fire.
If only this gif was reversed...
Of course, there will always be her meaty tuck as well - but that's for another blog :D
Quote: 'Rebecca is the fakest bitch I have ever known in my life.' - Get her, Jade.
God, these season 1 promo pics really were a rough spot
92: India Ferrah
The Soaring Breastplate
Look how real it looks
The bottom ten queens are either defined by their lack of self-awareness on the show, their attitudes, their lack of memorability and their inability to transfer their personality to reality TV. Case in point: Legendary professional ho, India Ferrah who is only remembered by virtue of being hoisted into the air, mid lip-sync by Mimi Imfurst. Admittedly, if Mimi had lifted Raja into the air - Raja would probably be defined by this moment too but seriously, what else do you remember India for? She entered Season 3 as a hardworking, professional queen who got clocked for wearing the same outfit as Phoenix and floundered her way through the competition, turning out average performances and average looks - and probably would have gone home in episode 4 (because that outfit and that breastplate were hideous) but no, Miss MiMi (who totally would have won the lipsync had she not done this) decided to lift Miss India up over her head, thus immortalising India in the hall of fame forever and for all the wrong reasons. (where do you think Mimi would have placed if she hadn't lifted India up?)
It won't ever get old
Fun fact: India actually lasted an episode after that - do you remember? Of course you do! You know there's going to be a HAIL NO storm right? Poor India underdelivered on the QNN challenge like nobody's business and you knew she was being set up for a failure when Ru told her that the weather people 'are the personality of the newsroom' - ouch. She then delivered an underwhelming grey look on the runway and was sent home after Stacy ate her up like a piece of Fried Chicken with 'Meeting in the Ladies Room' (my favourite underrated lipsync by the way). Since the show, she has threatened to quit drag but appears to still be working hard at her local club, turning it out with new looks and is always painted for the gods. She is the definition of a workhorse queen, who deserves respect - she's an entertainer, but once again - her personality just didn't translate to the show, she never felt fully committed to the show to me (except when she wanted Mimi to put her down) and that unfortunately places her at 92 on this countdown.

And she's cool with it
Iconic Moment: Obviously, India's short stay is marked by her aerodynamic lipsyncing skills but she will also be remembered for wearing a beautiful breastplate that she paid 600 WHOLE doorlahs for and her firm belief that because of the cost, it looked completely realistic. Delusion, convince yourself.
Last one, I swear
My Favourite Moment: Her weathergirl - no question. Unlike Phoenix's performance, India took on board the notes she was given and attempted to give it some life. Unfortunately for her, she decided to go that route by choosing the cringiest, most stereotypical gay things to say in a hideously fake manner and despite the show priding itself on being tacky, cheap and stereotypically gay - it is either the most painful or the most hilarious performance given on Season 3 of drag race (it's in the running against Jasmine's Shakesqueer for most cringeworthy ever - but that's another countdown).
Professional Ho
Quote: Obviously her breastplate moment (she paid 600 WHOLE dollars for it) is drag race herstory for the bible but really, her entire weather girl segment is my favourite thing and I won't pass by a chance to promote it.
'Deep in the heart of Texas y'all - y'all feeling me? there is a HAIL NO storm okaaay? (Head flick and cut to Raja's face).
In the heartland - pause - a rainbow has appeared - pause - in the gayville - pause and nod - of South Dakota...' end scene.

91: Dax ExclamationPoint
The Cosplay Queen

Dax is an entirely different case all together - she belongs in the disappointing category but to be fair, it was hardly her fault. Dax entered Season 8 with the unfortunate moniker of being Miss Violet Chachki's Drag Mother. Now - as far as I can tell, this is not an official title (and if it is, Miss Violet should be googling emancipation). It appears to be that Dax was doing alty, cool, cosplay, gender bending drag in Atlanta when Violet started out and helped Violet along the way as neither of them were big haired, traditional 'pageant' girls and were on the outskirts of the scene. Regardless of their relationship, this, along with Dax's awesome cosplay, intelligent presence on MTQ and general enthusiasm around having a serious queen for the nerds on the show all added up to one giant fizzle of disappointment when she actually arrived.

Stepping into the room with 'What's up Nerds!' in a beautiful but half-assed Storm look (copyright issues, I'm assuming) - I was still excited to see what Dax could bring but then that's all we saw of her that episode. Literally. She was given 'Hello Kitty' for the design challenge and turned out a cute but average dress and was safely invisible for the rest of the episode. If you wanted an indication of how poor Dax's edit was going to go - just look at when she enters the winner's photoshoot and no sign or indication or acknowledgement of any relationship between Miss Violet and Dax is shown - just a very quick edit and done. Dax's underwhelming presence (again - the name exclamation point promised so much more than she delivered) continued into episode 2 with 'Bitch Perfect' (still one of the show's best challenges) where she was already getting the shady edit from her team about her inability to work as a team and dance with the rhythm.  By the time she performed in Bitch Perfect - she wasn't THAT bad but everyone (especially her team) was amazing - and fell into the bottom which when combined with her awful evening wear gown (awful - look at the bottom of it) you could hear the alarm bells sounding for Dax. After an underwhelming lipsync to the gay anthem of the world and the 'shocking' double sashay with Dax and Laila, poor Dax exited the show about as memorably as she started it.

I don't think Dax is a bad queen - and she totally brought her A Game to the reunion and I think a part of her failure on the show fell down to pre-season hype, her family legacy, shady editing and an attempt to recreate the 'shock double elimination' but she is also to blame for an 'over-it attitude', a lack of ability to loosen up and play the game and also, shockingly, she gave me very little versatility or fashion for someone associated with the name Violet Chachki. These, along with the cardinal sin of being rather boring, are the reasons she ends up at 91, rounding out the first ten queens knocked out of the rankdown like a rather bitter cup of tea that's gone cold. However, she continues to gig and do awesome cosplay to this day - so good on her and really, she seems like someone who doesn't really care what people (or blogs) think of her anyway.

Iconic Moment: That lipsync - awful, awful, awful. Dax wasn't AS bad as Laila, but still - once again, there was very little fire or passion there or drive to stay. It wasn't as iconic the second time around, but Rupaul still knows how to pull a punch or three.
I feel this gif sums up Dax's attitude towards the competition
My Favourite moment: Her over-it attitude to her elimination is great to watch - more of that Dax, that Dax is interesting - I am also partial to her not remembering Laila's name (although I suspect that shows how much effort she was putting into the competition - or she's Charlie Hides in disguise) . But her reunion look was fucking gorgeous and I'm sad we didn't get more from her based on that look.
Now that's how you pad.
Quote: 'I look forward to a nap, and vodka - lots of vodka.' - Dax being me and most other gays every day.

If you followed me to the end - I'm super impressed!
Stay tuned for 90 - 81, featuring a few expected faces and a few surprises!


  1. I loved it, but I think you were unfair to Dax and Vivienne. You just hate Vivi don't you? lol

    1. I'm so sorry - I tried, I tried, I really did but I just can't.

      I thought I placed Dax too low, but disappointment always hurts more than achieving my low expectations, as you'll see in part 2 - and I do praise her and appreciate her drag, I just don't think she brought IT to the show.

  2. Really enjoyed this, I hope you get a chance to do the rest at some point :)

  3. This was soooooo good!! It's good to see someone else give India Ferrah's weather girl the recognition of deserves! Post more soon, I'm curious where you place... Well, everyone!

  4. Thank you so much - means the world to me! It's the finding and placing of the gifs that takes me forever :P

  5. Gurl! I am shooketh and hooketh! Waiting for the entire list. I can read this everyday!

    1. Thank you! Hunting for an editor haha - next post nearly here :)

  6. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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